Global Grant Strategies is a grant strategies and solutions company helping U.S. and international organizations successfully tell their story to funders.
Don’t know where to start? Struggling to find time? Is it hard because English isn’t your first language? Does your copy need review?
There’s a better way!
Advising & Coaching
Being the head of your organization or department is already challenging. Being solely responsible for setting and executing your grant strategy can feel like one more thing to worry about. GGS can serve as your personal thought partner, advisor, and coach as you navigate and set grant strategies that align with, and support, your financial goals.
Editing & Proofreading
We can easily become consumed by our organizational story, causing us to miss the exact audience with whom we are trying to communicate. A second pair of eyes can offer new perspectives and help identify areas to strengthen our stories. GGS can serve as your personal copy editor and proofreader to ensure your proposals speak directly to your reader.
Strategy Development
When it comes to successful grant writing, every organization needs a strategy. Whether this is your first submission, or you are ready to press “SEND” for the 100th time, it is never too late to strengthen your grant strategy to ensure you stay on course.
Grant Writing
Even the most successful organizational leader can find herself / himself benefitting from grant writing help. Whether you’re flying solo, leading a small organization, or just haven’t been successful with grant submissions, GGS can help up your grant writing game.

For over 25 years, I have spent the better part of my professional career working within the cross-cultural arena. During this time, I have found that one of the most pressing stress points for leaders has been effectively communicating their story with those outside of the organization’s circle of experts. This stress point was true for me as well. During my “Program Development” days, I struggled to find the time, and the right words, to share what had become second nature to me. In my “Grant Writing” days, time and need easily diverted my attention away from writing with my audience in mind. Instead, I leaned heavily on a less-personal “one size fits all” approach. And, in my “Foundation Program Officer” days, I consistently engaged with global leaders who struggled to share their story because English was their first, second or even third language.
I started Global Grant Strategies because your story, and your organization’s story are worth hearing. I am here to pull back the curtain of mystery surrounding grant writing, and to bridge the gap between your story and the audience you are trying to reach. You are the expert in your story. GGS is here to help you tell it in a way that connects with your donors.